When is the best time to ride the Munda Biddi Trail?

The Munda Biddi Trail, stretches over 1,067 kilometres through the heart of South West of Western Australia, offering a unique and exhilarating experience for cyclists seeking adventure in nature. While this trail provides a scenic journey through forests, farmlands and charming communities, it also presents seasonal challenges - fallen trees over the trail, water-pooling, deep pea gravel and sandy tracks, coastal winds, extreme heat and a wildfire risk.

Choosing the right time to ride the Munda Biddi Trail is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. When planning your ride, consider when is best time to embark on your bikepacking or an epic ride. To ensure a memorable journey filled with adventure, natural beauty, and the thrill of conquering one of the world's most remarkable cycling trails, we recommend you consider the following seasonal information.

The Munda Biddi Trail often provides ideal riding conditions during Autumn, Winter and Spring, allowing for cyclists to immerse themselves in the breathtaking landscapes and unique flora of Western Australia. However, during the Summer months there can be significant risks to your safety. Please heed to the advice of the Munda Biddi Trail Foundation and DBCA, when considering Summer Trail rides.

Summer (December to February)
The Munda Biddi Trail Foundation along with DBCA strongly advises against riding the trail during the hot summer months between December and February. Why?...The south west of Western Australia can experience consecutive days over over 35 degrees, increasing your risk of heat-related illnesses (dehydration) and exposure to wildfire fire conditions. Cyclists are urged to prioritise their own safety, by following the Foundation's recommendations to avoid the trail during these extreme weather conditions.

Autumn (March to May)
Autumn presents an ideal time to tackle the Munda Biddi Trail. The weather during these months is generally mild, with cooler temperatures and lower chances of rain. The trail becomes a kaleidoscope of colours as the leaves change, creating a breathtaking backdrop for cyclists. The cooler climate enhances the overall experience, allowing riders to fully appreciate the stunning scenery without the discomfort of extreme heat.

Spring (September to November)
Another favourable window for riding the Munda Biddi Trail is during the spring months. As nature comes alive, cyclists can witness the blooming wildflowers that carpet the landscape, adding vibrant hues to the journey. The weather remains pleasant, and the trail is less crowded than in peak summer months, offering a more peaceful and enjoyable ride.

Winter (June to August)
While winter may bring cooler temperatures, it is still a viable time to ride for those who don't mind a chill. Winter offers a unique perspective of the trail, with misty mornings and the possibility of encountering wildlife. Riders should come prepared with appropriate wet weather gear for the cooler conditions, but the tranquillity of the trail during this season is a reward in itself.

Photo credit: Paul Morton & Miles Arbour