If you are a registered volunteer with the MBTF, please fill out the form for reporting on volunteering activities by clicking on the button above.

It is vitally important to log your hours regularly - this helps the Foundation keep track of the total number of volunteer hours contributed to the Munda Biddi Trail. We also share trail condition information and work required on the Trail with DBCA, Area Leaders and others. Reporting also helps the executive officer support individual volunteers along the length of the trail. If you prefer, paper forms are available here.

Fill out this form when you;

  • visit the Trail for inspections and/or maintenance

  • undertake Area Leader activity

  • read a trail counter

  • donate your time for a board-related or administrative activity

  • manage or assist at an event

  • or anything else!

Please remember to include travel time, and to fill in the form as soon as possible after an activity.